Material is a weekly discussion about the Google and Android universe. Your intrepid hosts try to answer the question, “What holds up the digital world?” The answer, so far, is that it’s Google all the way down.



Latest Episodes

#73: Shared VR Sweat

November 17th, 2016 · 75 minutes

A new co-host appears and muscles her way into the show, all signs point to IF This shoe fits Then That puppet master is Yasmine. Russell is busy Daydreaming. Andy takes up Yoga and reading.

#72: A Google Home In Every Home (Except Andy's)

November 10th, 2016 · 49 minutes

This episode comes to you from a far happier time, before ELECTION.EXE deleted our hard drives. Yasmine has a new friend at home. Andy wants a friend too, but his pre-order joy turns to ashes. Russell is at least content that Google shipped him something.

#71: Pixels On A Coaster

November 3rd, 2016 · 85 minutes

Yasmine is back after taking her Pixel on Vacation. Andy wishes he was Yasmine's Pixel. Russell tries not to gloat too much over his win. A special guest joins us to push his iPhone and Pixel together and make them kiss.

#70: Giant Duck Sized Spiders

October 27th, 2016 · 73 minutes

Yasmine is on assignment so Russell recruits a fellow Australian to outnumber Andy. In retaliation, Andy throws poisonous spiders. Zarah has a chart of venomous snakes. That's right kids, Episode 70 of Material podcast is here!

#69: If Only You Were There When I Met Aparna

October 20th, 2016 · 59 minutes

Russell is away, likely camped out for a Pixel. Kristen replaces him and yet again proves that smarter and more informed co-hosts than Russell are everywhere. Yasmine fangirls over Nat & Lo. Andy blurs the background of background blurring algorithms.

#68: Marsupials Are People Too, You Animals

October 13th, 2016 · 65 minutes

The whole of Australia is yet again angry with Russell. Andy tries to deflect them with Koala Facts. Yasmine thinks Russell should go down for his crimes. The Material team hold an intervention with a Galaxy Note 7 user.

#67: GARPETS: It's Like Carpet For Your Face, Hanging Live On The Line!

October 6th, 2016 · 105 minutes

Our intrepid hosts recorded this episode LIVE. If you missed it, or you prefer audio then this is the show for you. We run down all things Google Event.

#66: Route 66

September 29th, 2016 · 82 minutes

Russell comes to the end of his Noteworthy journey. Yasmine shines a bright light on the Google Assistant while it sweats uncomfortably. Andy dreams big about October 4th.

#65: The Year of the Llama

September 22nd, 2016 · 67 minutes

Russell learns about just how delicious Astronaut Ice Cream is while he waits for his Note 7 to arrive. Yasmine gets angry at the Google Keyboard. Andy makes a shocking discovery inside Youtube. Also the October 4th Google Event. GET HYPE PEOPLES!

#64: Chuck Who? Please, he's 1/4 of a Ruth Porat.

September 15th, 2016 · 64 minutes

Andy is upset about some kind of cooking program? Yasmine is letting her Electrons Slack off. Russell becomes an explosives expert. Former Material Hosts are launched to stratospheric heights. Finally Google's CFO is bad ass. BAD. ASS.