John Siracusa and Merlin Mann try to figure out exactly how they got this way.



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#79: Goofball Island

May 31st, 2018 · 92 minutes

This week kicks off with a main topic: Kid Independence Projects. Merlin is trying a new thing, and John admits that he’s "pan-fretful."

#78: Right Above Self-Actualization

May 17th, 2018 · 110 minutes

This week’s main topic is tricky to label, but let’s call the jumping-off point, Millenials and Quality.

#77: Prodigal Bird

May 3rd, 2018 · 115 minutes

This week, John and Merlin come in hot with an accidental main topic: punctuality.

#76: The Dandelion of Content

April 18th, 2018 · 121 minutes

John provides much-requested follow-up on Twitter’s recently announced changes. This leads to a broader discussion of free speech and platform ownership.

#75: The Most Popular Meat Grinder in Town

April 4th, 2018 · 129 minutes

In something like a main topic, your hosts talk about Facebook. Schadenfreude aside, Merlin struggles with why anyone is still there, while John’s not so sure some people will ever leave.

#74: Stingy on the Fives

March 22nd, 2018 · 126 minutes

This week's main topic concerns The Oscars and the general phenomenon of industry award shows. What makes us get into these things, and who do we pull for?

#73: Ladyhawke Times

March 8th, 2018 · 133 minutes

For something like a main topic, things turn to trying to talk to kids about…stuff. A "Predestination"-style thought experiment is considered.

#72: The Seventh Alarm Clock

February 22nd, 2018 · 108 minutes

This week's main topic: "What If Productivity, but Too Much?" In the pursuit of efficiency and professional development, how do you know when you’ve gone too far? And what are the downsides when you do?

#71: Racist Uncle Baby

February 8th, 2018 · 111 minutes

This week's broad-ranging main topic is lyrics. John wonders how many people care about the words as much as he does, and Merlin considers what happened when Lisa met Chelsea at the knocking school.

#70: Where the Fish Was

January 25th, 2018 · 105 minutes

John has fence problems, Merlin is riding a weird new vehicle, and the guys discuss “Patriot.”