

Material is a weekly discussion about the Google and Android universe. Your intrepid hosts try to answer the question, “What holds up the digital world?” The answer, so far, is that it’s Google all the way down.

Guest Appearances

Clockwise #216: Patience and Bourbon November 22nd, 2017

Download #29: Mosquito to a Light November 9th, 2017

Download #24: Vessels for Google October 5th, 2017

Download #18: A Bit of Déjà Vu August 24th, 2017

Download #15: Taken Behind the Shed August 3rd, 2017

Clockwise #197: So Much of Your Life is a Lie July 12th, 2017

Material #105: Digital Intimacy June 30th, 2017

Material #104: O Bixby, Bixby! Wherefore Art Thou Bixby June 23rd, 2017

Download #6: Printers Are Bad June 2nd, 2017

Material #83: All About Millennials January 26th, 2017

Clockwise #149: Watching an Alien Sunset August 10th, 2016

Clockwise #135: Angst in Appleville May 4th, 2016

Clockwise #127: The Great Inbox in the Sky March 9th, 2016

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