

Material is a weekly discussion about the Google and Android universe. Your intrepid hosts try to answer the question, “What holds up the digital world?” The answer, so far, is that it’s Google all the way down.

Guest Appearances

Clockwise #321: Stick an Apple on It November 20th, 2019

Parallel #24: Don't Call It Queen Cake September 10th, 2019

Connected #257: Relay FM Family Feud August 23rd, 2019

Departures #1: Relay 5: Family Feud August 23rd, 2019

Clockwise #303: Early Morning Grotesquerie July 17th, 2019

Download #103: Where OS? May 16th, 2019

Clockwise #283: How This "Unfolds" February 27th, 2019

Download #92: Trapper Keepers February 21st, 2019

Download #86: The 2019 CES Draft January 10th, 2019

Parallel #11: Just the Accessible Tips January 1st, 2019

Download #83: Mr. Google Is My Father! December 13th, 2018

Download #75: The Internet of Sharks October 11th, 2018

Clockwise #261: One of Those Vinyl People October 3rd, 2018

Download #63: Satisfying the Punisher July 19th, 2018

Download #54: Give Me All the Nannies May 10th, 2018

Clockwise #239: Clippy Wearing a Stethoscope May 2nd, 2018

Download #44: They Went With the Chicken March 1st, 2018

Download #38: Dumbest Idea Ever January 18th, 2018

Clockwise #216: Patience and Bourbon November 22nd, 2017

Download #29: Mosquito to a Light November 9th, 2017

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