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#3: Converting Numbers Sheets to Keynote Graphs with Sal Soghoian

August 3rd, 2018 · 63 minutes

In this episode Sal Soghoian talks us through how to use AppleScript to convert a table, or a row or column in that table, in Numbers into a chart in a Keynote presentation.

Guest Starring: Sal Soghoian

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Links and Show Notes

This is an episode where you'll want to bring your Mac, and make sure to visit Sal's page to download all the goodies too!

Mac Power Users #370: Automation with Sal Soghoian - Relay FM

Sal Soghoian, the father of automation on the Mac, joins Katie and David to discuss the state of Mac an iOS automation. Sal discusses the history of Automation on the Mac, the possibilities for Automation on iOS and the tools and languages available to put the power in the hands of the user.

Numbers Table to Keynote Chart | macOS
macOS Automation

If you want to learn about automation on the Mac, this a great place to get started. You'll find links to all of Sal's other sites here too.

Apple Configurator & Automator

All about automating Apple Configurator with Automator and more.

Late Night Software | The home of Script Debugger

An alternative to Script Editor for your Mac.

CMD-D Down-Home Scripting Bootcamp

A 3 day course with Sal and Ray where you can learn AppleScript together. Make sure to listen to the show to get a discount of $200 when booking your ticket!

Omni Group Automation

If you want to learn about automating OmniGraffle or OmniOutliner with OmniJS, then this is the official website.

How Apple Programmer Sal Soghoian Got Apps Talking to Each Other | WIRED
iWork and Automation

If you enjoyed the example of taking a table in Numbers and converting it into a chart in Keynote and would like to automate more things with the iWork suite of applications then this is the place to start!

Automators Forums

Join us to talk about the episode, dissect the AppleScript, and nerd out about automation.