Quinn Rose


Quinn is a digital library assistant from Maine, currently living in Chicago. There is roughly a 77% chance she is talking about podcasts or musicals at this very moment.

Retired Shows

Mixed Feelings

Every episode, your hosts spoke about their favorite news stories of the week … and probably at least one random current event that has nothing to do with anything.


Quinn and Betty are two non-professional art enthusiasts who love art and want to learn more about it. They took turns researching interesting parts of art history and culture, and sharing those stories with each other.

Guest Appearances

Originality #33: I Feel My Body Rejecting This April 11th, 2022

20 Macs #13: Power Mac G4 Cube (#8) November 6th, 2020

20 Macs #8: Mac IIcx and IIci (#13) September 25th, 2020

Departures #4: Relay FM Podcastathon for St. Jude (2020) September 20th, 2020

20 Macs #4: PowerBook 500 and 5300 (#17) August 28th, 2020

Upgrade #277: Who Killed the Butterfly Keyboard? December 23rd, 2019

Clockwise #310: I Don’t Know Why This Is Dungeon Themed September 4th, 2019

Connected #257: Relay FM Family Feud August 23rd, 2019

Departures #1: Relay 5: Family Feud August 23rd, 2019

Clockwise #276: That's Not a Place You Want Cameras January 9th, 2019

Disruption #58: Retraction May 22nd, 2017

Ungeniused #15: Festivus December 23rd, 2016

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