The Pen Addict with Brad Dowdy and Myke Hurley - Listen
Dedicated follower of fashion or not – sewing is an amazing maker-skill to have, and we talk a little bit about why.
There is no reason to stop asking people what their favorite color is, right? It turns out Tiff and Julia have the same one – but we also talk a lot about all sorts of colors and how color theory, -psychology, -philosophy, and -blindness might work.
Can an artist wear khakis? Do tattoos make someone cool and creative? What stereotypes do we have working for or against us, as creative and makey people?
Challenging yourself is good. We think. But what about specific challenges, like doing something every day for a month, or making a hundred of something? Also: Naked dude report.
Is art political – and does it have to be? Do you have a responsibility to make with issues and values in mind? Is crafting as post-apocalyptic life skill a political statement? Either way, we have a lot of feelings on the subject, and on current events.
Touchy feely touching base time. How are we feeling about our creating? Is talking about it making it better or worse? And is it OK to do a thing just because it’s fun?
When do you decide you feel good enough about your art to start charging for it? And how do you put a value on it? We discuss the commercial side of creating. We also check in on our homework progress, and sing the praises of professional framing.
Social media is your friend. Except when it isn’t. And when it comes to creativity, that is very much the case. So how do you use it to your advantage?
Together at last! We met up at the Atlanta Pen Show to talk to some amazing creative friends, and try to figure out what a creative community means to us.