Upgrade with Jason Snell and Myke Hurley - Listen
Rose and David are diving deep into the new iOS 16 Focus Modes. Do you think the Automators are just using a portion of the new Focus Mode features? Of course not! They are going straight into the deep end.
This week, David and Rosemary dive into David's new studio and plan out how to automate everything.
iOS 16 is nearly here, and there are a lot of automation updates to try out. In this episode, Rosemary and David walk you through them all.
From simple improvements to deep cross-linking and pages which update, there's a lot you can automate within your note-taking app of choice. In this episode, the automation gang take on Obsidian, and all of its plugins.
In this episode, Rose and David explain some of their favorite small automation tools and how they work.
Sal Soghoian takes David and Rosemary on an epic automation adventure. Starting with a look back at Automator on the Mac, and looking at the star Shortcuts developers now—before diving into custom voice control with OmniFocus and beyond.
Combinations! Lately, a lot of the best Mac automation tools have become conversant with each other. In this episode, Rose and David discuss the best ways to make automation apps work together.
In this episode, David and Rosemary are joined once more by Scotty Jackson. They take a look at home automation related to Focus Modes, and whether or not you can automate a podcast.
Hooray. It's a new WWDC and there are new Automation features! Rose and David are here to preview them all for you.
In this episode, Rosemary and David are joined by author, podcaster, and automator Dan Moren to talk about his automation experiences and solutions.