Yasmine Evjen is a UX Designer and Product Storyteller based in Phoenix, Arizona. She can be found advocating for diversity in tech, using code and design to solve problems, and explaining to her daughter that Google isn't a real person. She was once retweeted by First Lady Michelle Obama.



Material is a weekly discussion about the Google and Android universe. Your intrepid hosts try to answer the question, “What holds up the digital world?” The answer, so far, is that it’s Google all the way down.

Guest Appearances

Material #200: 200th Episode Spectacular April 26th, 2019

Material #119: Google Clip On Your Hip October 5th, 2017

Material #100: Please, I Have Children! May 24th, 2017

Clockwise #170: The Internet of Garbage January 4th, 2017

Rocket #42: I Don't Want to See Real Life October 29th, 2015

Less Than or Equal #63: Yasmine Evjen October 20th, 2015

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