John Siracusa is a programmer, podcaster, and writer. He spent twenty-five years as a full-stack web developer before going independent in 2022. John co-hosts Accidental Tech Podcast, Reconcilable Differences, and Robot or Not.


Reconcilable Differences

John Siracusa and Merlin Mann try to figure out exactly how they got this way.

Guest Appearances

20 Macs #14: iBook G3 (#7) November 13th, 2020

20 Macs #13: Power Mac G4 Cube (#8) November 6th, 2020

20 Macs #12: iMac G4 (#9) October 30th, 2020

20 Macs #11: Power Computing (#10) October 23rd, 2020

20 Macs #10: Mac Portable (#11) October 9th, 2020

20 Macs #9: Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh (#12) October 2nd, 2020

20 Macs #8: Mac IIcx and IIci (#13) September 25th, 2020

Departures #4: Relay FM Podcastathon for St. Jude (2020) September 20th, 2020

20 Macs #6: DayStar Genesis MP (#15) September 11th, 2020

20 Macs #5: Blue and White Power Mac G3 (#16) September 4th, 2020

20 Macs #4: PowerBook 500 and 5300 (#17) August 28th, 2020

20 Macs #3: Xserve (#18) August 21st, 2020

20 Macs #2: PowerBook Duo (#19) August 14th, 2020

20 Macs #1: Power Mac G5 (#20) August 7th, 2020

Departures #2: Relay FM Podcastathon for St. Jude (2019) September 22nd, 2019

Download #105: Live From WWDC: Dark Mode People June 6th, 2019

Upgrade #240: Dance on the Grave of iTunes April 9th, 2019

Automators #18: Terminal Automation with John Siracusa March 1st, 2019

Upgrade #222: That's Not a Plan December 3rd, 2018

Mac Power Users #415: John Siracusa Workflows and the Future of the Mac January 28th, 2018

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