The most common question creative people get asked is, "Where do you get your ideas?" That's what Originality is all about: exploring the wheres, hows, and whys of creative genius with K Tempest Bradford, Aleen Simms, and a diverse assortment of guests from a variety of fields.



#28: 50% Art Stuff, 50% Life Stuff

September 4th, 2019 · 84 minutes

This episode, Tempest and Aleen are talking about building small communities. Tempest talks to Alethea Kontis, Monica Valentinelli, Stina Leicht, and Shveta Thakrar about their own collective and how they lean each other for support and motivation.

Guest Starring: Monica Valentinelli, Stina Leicht, Shveta Thakrar, and Alethea Kontis

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