Brianna Wu

Retired Shows


Listening to this weekly show about technology and culture may have caused the following symptoms: uncontrollable laughter, onset confusion, chronic empathy, and heightened awareness.


Game developer Brianna Wu, technology journalists Georgia Dow and Mikah Sargent, and game enthusiast Steve Lubitz analyzed the week’s biggest stories in the video game industry from different perspectives.


Countdown to excitement! Every week Christina Warren, Brianna Wu and Simone de Rochefort had accelerated geek conversation. Tech, comics, movies, games and books, no galaxy is off limits!

Guest Appearances

Clockwise #154: Others of Us Will Be Sad September 14th, 2016

Clockwise #151: Maybe They'll Update GarageBand August 24th, 2016

Clockwise #138: You Know What You're Signing Up For May 25th, 2016

Clockwise #126: Go into Space with Jerks March 2nd, 2016

Clockwise #110: AirPlay Express October 28th, 2015

Clockwise #98: Robot-Kicking Problem August 5th, 2015

Clockwise #97: Given Phones and Sent into the World July 29th, 2015

Clockwise #95: The Only iPod Touch Fangirl July 15th, 2015

Clockwise #88: A Hot Mess May 20th, 2015

Less Than or Equal #11: Brianna Wu & Anna Megill October 14th, 2014

Less Than or Equal #2: Brianna Wu July 14th, 2014

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